Réseau Entreprendre Nord
To have an idea about to become an entrepreneurial adventure.
And start, full of courage.
Réseau Entreprendre Nord works with aspiring entrepreneurs to help them succeed in the long term.
To present the vision 2025 of REN, we realized a film where we follow the initiatory course of an entrepreneur. Through the metaphor of the building stone, we depict REN's values in minimalist staging.
Shot in the studio, we have set up a series of graphic boards in which no less than 400 kg of painted stones trace paths, are transmitted from hand to hand or are suspended in the air.

PRODUCTION Atelier / ADVERTISER Réseau Entreprendre Nord / PRODUCER / Anthony Rodrigues / VISUAL DESIGN AND SCRIPT Lola Delbec / ART DIRECTION Lola Delbec x Bibarr / DIRECTOR Valentine Chauvin / STORYBOARD Lola Delbec / CONSTRUCTION Lola Delbec x Bibarr / FASHION DESIGN Lola Delbec / DOP Bibarr / GAFFER David Wojtkowiak / BEST BOY Antoine Bureau / POST-PRODUCTION Valentine Chauvin / VOICE OVER Frédéric Thomire / MUSIC Flahship – Hurricane (Music Bed License)